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Sandler Drives 25% More Engagement and 4x Sales Leads by Creating Personalized Experiences with Breeze

As a global leader in sales training and professional development, Sandler understands the importance of providing clients with reliable, cutting-edge solutions. Facing increased competition and the rapid rise of AI technology, Sandler needed to find new ways to enhance their services and stay ahead. By leveraging Breeze embedded in Marketing Hub and Sales Hub, Sandler strengthened customer trust, personalized communications, and deepened client engagement.


Increase in click-through rates


Sales-qualified leads


Pipeline acceleration

About Sandler

Sandler is a global leader in sales training and professional development, combining a human-focused methodology with the latest innovations to meet today’s challenges.

Industry: Professional Services
Company Size:
Enterprise (200+ employees)
Location: United States
Use Case:

Create Content
Sales and Marketing

Marketing Hub
Sales Hub

Introduction: Enhancing Client Engagement While Preserving Personal Touch

In today’s business landscape, technological disruption challenges professional services firms. Many want to adopt AI, but budget constraints and uncertain ROI often slow adoption.

Sandler, a leader in sales training, aims to adapt to clients’ needs with a strategic approach to AI. Instead of quickly implementing AI like competitors, they chose features that enhance innovation while preserving their signature white-glove service. Emily Davidson, Director of Enterprise Marketing, notes, “While technology transforms business, strong human connections in sales are crucial.”

By using HubSpot’s AI assistant, Breeze, Sandler engages clients with hyper-personalized interactions, boosting performance and productivity while deepening trust in a rapidly changing technological landscape.

Building Customer Trust by Walking the AI Walk

Sandler positions itself as a trusted partner for clients navigating AI to improve sales performance. Many clients sought guidance on effectively incorporating AI into their businesses.

Emily Davidson, Director of Enterprise Marketing, explains, “Our customers viewed AI as an unknown, scary beast. We stepped in as their voice of reason.” Sandler sees AI as a tool to enhance human expertise, helping clients identify where it can complement their interactions.

By using tools like ChatGPT and adopting HubSpot’s AI Assistants, they provided hyper-personalized experiences. While some clients feared AI might diminish human connection, Sandler used it to strengthen relationships and serve as a model for effective integration.

Emily adds, “This can be complicated, but we show customers how to save time and integrate AI effectively.” Sandler now helps clients gather insights faster and improve pipeline efficiency while correcting AI misconceptions.

Boosting Engagement by 25% with Faster Content Creation

Sandler’s success hinges on delivering personalized content for specific personas and industries, but this process can be time-consuming. Breeze has significantly accelerated content creation. The marketing team begins by brainstorming campaign templates and then uses the AI Assistant in Marketing Hub to optimize everything—from social media copy to LinkedIn and Google ads—ensuring cohesive messaging across platforms.

“Breeze makes everything more cohesive and eloquent than we could achieve on our own,” says Emily. The time saved has transformed campaign development, reducing it from weeks to days. The AI-generated content is not only efficient but also more engaging. Emily notes, “Breeze is great for overcoming writer’s block, but the human touch is essential for genuine relationships.”

With HubSpot’s connected platform, Emily’s team utilizes tools like A/B testing and reporting to validate AI’s impact. “Breeze has helped us achieve a 25% boost in email click-through rates and increased landing page engagement from under a minute to three to four minutes—marketing gold,” she adds.

Reducing the Sales Cycle by 50% with Scalable, AI-Powered Personalization


Sandler faced the challenge of scaling personalized experiences in a market that increasingly demands tailored interactions. To effectively support clients amid evolving sales practices and growing competition, they needed to engage customers at every stage of their journey.

By utilizing the AI Assistant in Sales Hub, Sandler can hyper-personalize content for specific customer segments. Emily explains, “Real hyper-personalization means understanding the industry, pain points, and personas.” The insights generated by Breeze enable the team to be more empathetic and responsive, learning what resonates as customers navigate the sales funnel. For instance, when AI detects hesitation in a prospect, the team quickly launches reassurance campaigns featuring relevant data and testimonials.

This data-driven approach has led to impressive results: sales-qualified leads have quadrupled, and the average sales cycle has been cut from 90 days to just 45.

Despite these advancements, Emily emphasizes the enduring importance of human connection: “AI lays the groundwork, but real relationships come from people. When technology and humans collaborate, real magic happens.” Sandler’s integration of AI is fundamentally about enhancing human relationships to better serve their customers.

Breeze creates this universal experience for everybody. We're all speaking the same language and using this one tool that's helping us tell the same story.
emily davidson sandler (1)
Emily Davidson
Director of Enterprise Marketing Sandler
Hubspot Props 2021139

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